Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ring Three: The Parents

Hoo boy, have you stuck with me so far through these profiles?  For those who just joined us, the introductory post is here, the one about the dogs is here, and the one about the kids is here.

I have tried to write this post for the past couple days and it has not been easy.  You see, Rhett and I are, by far, the most dull.  All amusement in this circus comes from those that measure below waist height.  So, I erased what I was originally working on and decided to go with the first things that popped into my head.  But first, some background...

Rhett and I met on Capitol Hill.  We worked in the same Senator's office and I had a massive crush on him from the get-go.  Somehow he ended up asking me to attend a college friend's wedding and from there we started dating.  Ahh, office romance--is there anything more awkward?  It was one of those relationships that we "kept secret" and thought no one knew about.  Meanwhile, the WHOLE ENTIRE OFFICE was completely clued in.  From there flowed law school, political campaigns, Big Law, two cute dogs, two beautiful girls, multiple moves, and the list goes on.

He and I both love dogs and being homebodies.  We have never been the type to go out--a movie at home sounds one billion times better.  Our family is the best thing that ever happened to us and we're totally content with and grateful for our lives.  That said, our mutual goal is to both sleep past 7:00am one morning.  We pray for it every night.

Rhett (these are all my answers for him)

Nicknames: Dr. Perky (from college), Rhettkins (from our friend on the Hill, Whitney)

Likes: UNC basketball, dogs, going to church, soccer, fly fishing, Jelly Belly jellybeans, jam bands

Dislikes: Duke, everyone who likes Duke except for his buddy Jim, malls--especially the perfume section of department stores, carbs, cats and Major (he would say those last two are one in the same)

Favorite Food: Italian sandwich or smoked turkey + provolone on french with house dressing from the Cheese Shop

Favorite Drink: Lately he's been loving Dogfish Head's 60 Minute IPA


Nickname: Walker (from college)

Likes: My girls, Gator football, needlepoint, candy, worrying, countdowns, vanilla lattes, The Bachelor, my mom's chocolate chip cookies, Target, DVR--I often wish my car radio had a similar feature and sometimes even forget that it doesn't

Dislikes: Pomegranates, children skipping nap time, the feeling of the oven/curling iron/other appliance guaranteed to start a fire, being on

Favorite Food: Soft pretzel with mustard and salt

Favorite Drink: Diet Coke

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