Sunday, January 20, 2013

Speed Demons

We hit the nearby basketball court again today for what will likely be the last time for quite awhile we can emerge from our house without hearing shrieks about "'s soooooo colddd out hereeee...I'm freeeeeezing."  I'm sure the girls will complain about it too--haha.

The weather forecast for Tuesday is says the high is going to be 22.  As in ten degrees less than freezing.  The low, and this pains me to type it, is going to be 16.  Our move south in a couple of years is looking more and more attractive.   Bring on those hot, humid summers!

So, today we let the girls race around the court to their heart's content.

Cate is surprisingly speedy and coordinated on her bike.  I told Rhett I thought she'd be fine without the training wheels.  He looked dubious.

Charlotte LOVES that little red car.  She rides, pushes, and pulls it around the court FAST.  And, given that peek-a-boo is her favorite game, enjoys the non-stop entertainment that the little yellow compartment at the front of the car offers.  I put a milk cup in there today and she was all business about hiding it from herself over and over.

Cross your fingers I make it through the next week alive.  Come on spring!

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