Monday, January 14, 2013

Things We Love Right Now

Here is what we've been loving lately...

Winter has driven us inside, so we are making the best of it with our indoor activities, especially crafting.  Cate LOVES googly eyes.  In fact, when she was younger, she used to pull the goggly eyes off all of her art projects and walk around with them in her fists.  She'd lose them, of course, and get upset, so I gave her a baggie to keep them in and she carried it everywhere.  When strangers at the store would ask her what she had in her hand she'd say plainly "A bag of eyes." Lovely.  Thankfully now the eyes stay on the projects. 

It came to this--a "No Whining" jar.  A glass bead is added for good behavior (i.e. unprompted sharing) and comes out for whining and bad behavior.  Two thumbs up for this idea.

Aren't these crayon gems awesome?  They're from Target!  I bought two and can't decide whether to use them as gifts or on our bookshelves.

I'm not sure when it started or how I allowed it, but the girls are obsessed with small plastic toys right now.  Here is Cate's arrangement on her nightstand.  She's got a Minnie, a pink kitty, kitty's food and water dish, and a mini blue My Little Pony.  Also pictured are a little wooden bunny and Cate's most used items during the day--a pink sippy cup and her princess chapsticks.  When I'm tucking Cate in, she asks that I say goodnight to all of these things, including kitty's food and water dish.  I put my foot down at her sippy cup--a mother has her limits.

Rhett has been looking through old pictures from 2012, like the classic shot above.  He's making us a photo book to recap the year and all the wild changes that came with it.  Isn't that nice?  He's also really, really good at it.  Smart, creative, and sweet.  Sorry ladies, he's taken.

Speaking of being a good husband, Rhett is watching Downton Abbey with me.  How good is that show?!?! 

Charlotte has been getting better and better at feeding herself--look at that happy face!  Mashed potatoes have been easiest because they stick to the spoon.  The cutest thing is that she loves feeding others more.  Whenever she has her sippy cup or spoon her in hand, she will point it toward my mouth or Rhett's and start smacking her lips as if to say "Eat up!"

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