Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ring Two: The Kids

Now it's on to Ring Two of our family circus--the kids.  For background on these profiles, click here to find my original post.  To read about our dogs, click here for the Ring One post.  

Our girls bring sunshine, laughter, and hundreds of hours of lost sleep into the equation.  Like any parents, we love them so much it hurts and cannot imagine even one day without them.  As I type this, Cate is almost three and a half and Charlotte is nearing fourteen months.  I don't think Cate has any memory of life before Charlotte and, come to think of it, neither do we.  


Cate as a fairy at Halloween--she asked to sleep in her costume.
Tiny dancer.
Nicknames: Cater Tot, Tot, Angel Bug

Likes: From Cate--"I like cats and all pink things...like my pink kitchen, pink spoons, pink trees, pink apples, and my pink ballerina skirt."  I'll also add that she likes her yellow blanket, Hello Kitty, fairies, princesses, sparkles, stickers, dancing, streaking, streaking while dancing, Blue's Clues, any toy Charlotte is playing with and, finally, milk in sippy cups--but only the older style pink Gerber ones--not the new ones--if the pink ones are dirty then she'll consider drinking out of an old-style green one but let's get that dishwasher started right now, ok mama?

Dislikes: From Cate--"Anything black or brown or blue--I don't like those colors.  Also, I don't like bugs or dogs."  Cate is morbidly afraid of butterflies and the evil characters from any fairy tale.  The only Disney movie she can watch in its entirety is Winnie the Pooh.  Here is a shot of her watching the G-rated A Bug's Life:

See her covering her eyes?  The grasshoppers are too scary to watch.  And don't even try to get her in the room when the cat, Lucifer, from Cinderella in on the screen.  Out and out PANIC ensues.

Favorite Food: Strawberry ice cream--why?  "Because it's pink!"

Favorite Drink: You can see where this is going--pink lemonade.

Fun Fact: Cate is incredibly sharp and she has a memory that rivals her dad's.  Over the summer I was reading from a book of fairy poems that her Meme gave her.  After a couple of weeks, we were riding in the car and she started reciting her favorite one to me:

My daughter, the Shakespeare enthusiast.  I didn't even know she knew a single line of that poem.


These overalls belonged to me.  They are 31, I mean 21, years old.
When you're a year old, is there anything better than a ride-on toy?
Nicknames: Charlotte Angel, Hulk, and Charli (pronounced Shh-arli)--that last one is from Cate

Likes: Hugging, eating, playing peekaboo, wrestling, jumping on the couch, grunting, her pink blanket, and any toy that she can cuddle with

Dislikes: Fake hair--she had a total meltdown at the mere sight of the hair on the purple My Little Pony that Santa left her.  Cate was only too willing to take it off of her hands.

Favorite food: She inhales everything except bananas

Favorite drink: Milk, obviously

Fun Facts: Charlotte is huge for her age and grunts when asking for things so we call her "Hulk."  But she is the absolute sweetest and smiliest baby.  I caught one of her first smiles on film :)

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