Monday, January 7, 2013

Ring One: The Dogs

Today I am profiling those in Ring One of our family circus--the dogs.  Click here to read my original post for more background.

The doggies are the clowns of this show--completely goofy and ridiculous. Homer and Major have been best buddies since Major came into our lives in August of 2007.  Even though Major is outweighed by over 110 pounds, he cannot be bothered by Homer's size.  And Homer can't help thinking he is a lapdog just like Maj.


Sweet Homie
Sleepy Homie

Hipster Homie
Nicknames: Homie, Homie Homes, Homie J., Homie D. Domie, Old Bones Homer, Homeslice, Homesizzle

Likes: People, being snuggled, scratched, pet, or really even just looked at by anyone, dinnertime, giving weighty stares when it is dinnertime but he hasn't yet been fed, having all family members together within a three foot radius, and generally being neurotic

Dislikes: Traveling, people hugging anyone but him, storm drains (seriously), bridges, decks or any other walking surface that you can see through (also serious), other dogs wrestling, orange cones, and rollerbladers with dogs (sounds like I might be joking, but I'm deadly serious)

Favorite Food: Tie--steak and bacon

Favorite Drink: Water water everywhere

Fun Facts: When he was a puppy, like many dogs, Homer loved to chew things.  He has eaten crayons, candles, coasters, and an entire living room set.  Once he pooped a flip flop.  Everywhere we go people look at him and want to say hi.  On a weekly basis in our old neighborhood, people we had never met would stop their cars to get a better look at him.  Homer is a gentle giant and a sweet soul.


Surely Major is up to no good in this shot.

Maj on Instagram.

It's a dog's life!

Nicknames: Maj, Maji Maj, Major Doodle, Doodle, Mittens, Dr. Beasley (don't ask), Mr. Mistofelfleas

Likes: Annoying the everloving pants off of Rhett, barking screeching when anyone has the audacity to walk by our house, hunting squirrels, tripping people--especially Rhett, ruining couches, sitting on laps, snuggling with Homer

Dislikes: Being wet, cold, or having no cushy place to lay down--he really prefers the royal treatment

Favorite Food: This dog will eat anything--and I do mean ANYTHING--except pretzels...that's right, he will turn his nose up to the Rold Gold waffle style but grass?  Mud?  Plastic?  Other yucky stuff I won't mention?  Sounds downright delicious to Maj!

Favorite Drink: I've caught him drinking from scummy ponds and puddles, so I'm pretty sure he has no preference

Fun Facts: Rhett is convinced Major is a cat (a girl cat named Mittens to be exact) but this is totally false.  Sure, he is aloof and expressionless, and he audibly meowed once, but this guy is terrier through and through.  He dug up the backyard in our old house looking for a mole (which he never found) and his holes eventually formed the shape of a gigantic check mark.  Required seating for Major is on top of couch cushions--exclusively--and his preferred spot to sleep at night is in our bed under the covers.

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