Friday, January 4, 2013

It's a Pink, Pink World

When you were little, did you have one item of clothing that you would always wear when it was clean?  Something you'd wait by the dryer just so when the chime went off, you could instantly put it on?  We've got one of those here--and it's all pink, tulle, and ribbons.

It's a little anticlimactic when Cate picks out her outfit.  Her ballerina skirt goes on most days, no matter what the rest of her outfit looks like.  Lord help me when she grows out of size 3T.

Wonder of wonders--today Cate is wearing--drum roll please...her ballerina skirt.

And, here she is earlier this week.  
Ninety-nine percent of the time, wearing pink is a requirement to get Cate dressed.  I used to wonder where the obsession with pink came from.  But, then I look at Charlotte in the clothes I bought and received as gifts for Cate a couple of years ago...

Here is Charlotte today--sigh, it's all pink.
 ...and I realize she came by it all honestly.

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