Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Playground Bliss


It was so nice to get to the playground today.  We have an amazing spot about ten minutes away and we soaked up as much time there as possible.

Cate was in heaven in a bouncy pink car.

Cate told me "I want a real car just like this when I'm older."  
 Charlotte climbed on anything and everything.  She is fearless.

So happy for some fresh air!
Cate and Charlotte's favorite part of the playground was the playset that looks like a fire engine.  Cate went down the "fire pole" over and over.  She could do it on her own, but was too nervous to.  The funny thing was, we got to the point where I could put one finger on her and she'd go down fine.  I wasn't doing anything, she just needed the reassurance.

Cate also finally went down a corkscrew slide by herself today--it only took her three and a half years to get up the courage.  It took Charlotte 14 months--today was also her first day solo on the corkscrew.  She could not be denied--she was more or less begging to go.  It was grunty pleading, but it was begging nonetheless.  I'm sure the other moms thought I was crazy (fair enough).  Just picture me holding Charlotte at the top of the slide and coaching little Cate to catch her at the bottom--true story!

We had a total blast though and it's days like this that make being a stay at home mom so incredibly fun and rewarding.  The girls could not have been happier.

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