Friday, June 21, 2013

Car Travel With Kids

Good news!  In the not-too-distant future I will be getting in the car and heading to the beach with the girls.  Bad news!  I will be getting in the car and heading to the beach with the girls.  Any parent of young ones knows--car travel with littles can be ROUGH.  Trapped in a car with screamy kids?  Ackkkkkk--I get jumpy just thinking about it.  

To make things as easy on me and Rhett as possible, I've been asking around and doing some research on the all-knowing internets.  After chatting with friends and googling every possible combination of "car travel" + "kids" + "how to not want to scratch your eyes out."

Below is the list of things I'm considering.  After our trip, I will do a post on what worked and what fizzled.

1. Family friendly book on CD
2. Wrap toys from the Dollar Store and give out periodically (say, once an hour)--to take this further, one mom said she prints out a map of the drive and draws little stars along the route as milestones to get out new toys
3. Magnadoodle-type drawing toy
4. Toy magazines--Cate will LOVE this
5. Painter's tape to create sculptures
6. Bubbles
7. Sewing/lacing cards
8. Cookie sheet+magnets
9. Chalk+black paper
10. Movies--The funniest thing here is that several sites listed movies as a "last resort"--pretty sure this is the first thing I reach for in the car on long trips ;)

Anyone have any other good ideas? 


  1. good list... I will borrow some of those! May I suggest you try construction paper crayons on black paper? Chalk is so easily broken, can crumble into car seats, get all over hands, etc. ;)

    1. That is so good to know! Actually, hours after I wrote that post, the girls and I were doing sidewalk chalk outside and somehow it ended up on Cate's lips??!? I made a mental note to strike chalk from the list...and now you've given me a good alternative. Thanks Lady!!
