Thursday, April 11, 2013

Simple Pleasures

The burst of warm weather this week was total and complete heaven for us.  We have been enjoying the simple pleasures around our house and neighborhood.

Cate had the idea to "do science" and we settled on planting some seeds and seeing if we could get anything to sprout.  While my mom is an expert gardener and all-around green thumb, I did not get that gene.  So, fingers crossed that Cate gets to see something grow beyond the weeds in our yard.

After a quick trip to Home Depot yesterday, we started by potting some pansies by our front door.
Cate watering while Charlotte and Snow White watch.
Here is an example of how non-green thumbish I am.  See the picture above?  See how Cate is not using an actual watering can?  It's a milk jug with holes punched in the cap.  Sigh...

Anyway, after the pansies, we got to the main event--planting our seeds.  At Home Depot, Cate selected pink and purple morning glories and violas while I chose to go the (less exciting) herb route by picking basil and parsley.  Here is Cate with some herb seed packets and our new pots:
Cate explained to me that her shoes were very appropriate for gardening--I wasn't buying it.
Bring on the seeds!
Cate was very careful to get her seeds in the perfect positions.
Finally we got everything planted and watered while Charlotte watched.
Morning glories, violas, sweet basil, and parsley--check, check, checkity check. 

Just try to take her ball from here...we dare you.
After that, we headed to the playground for some more fun...
 ...and then enjoyed lunch and homemade popsicles on the deck.
 Ahhh...warm weather.  Never leave us again.

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