Tuesday, February 5, 2013

That Darn Dog

Anyone who knows our family knows that Homer has had his fair share of medical issues.  On the not-so-serious front, he's had multiple growths removed and checked for cancer.  He's also dealt with things stuck in his paw and there was a time when he had what appeared to be a horn coming out of his forehead.  No, Homer did not turn out to be a unicorn, but he is magical.

On the more serious side, (this is where we've single handedly financed the operating budget for the emergency vet's office for at least a month), Homer had two surgeries before he turned two.  The first was arthroscopic surgery on a joint in his shoulder.  The second was major knee surgery for some bone-on-bone grinding that was happening in his knee (ouch).

Poor, sweet, hobbly Homer.
We don't care--Homie is the sweetest and we'll take him however we can get him.  He never complains and it's only if something is really, really, really bothering him can you tell something is wrong.

Major, on the other hand, requires pampering and will shriek if everything isn't "just so" in his world.  However, he has luckily escaped with very minor medical care.  All I can think of is that he sometimes comes up with bad allergies, especially in the spring, and licks his paws a lot.

So when Major came up limping Sunday morning, we didn't know what to think.  He was acting so miserable and we felt awful for him.  Major couldn't even lay down comfortably because every time his leg would touch the ground, he would immediately move to get in another position.  I even overheard Rhett cuddling poor Maj and telling him "We love ya, buddy."  Shhh--don't tell Rhett I told anyone he did that.

I dutifully drove Major to the vet on Monday hoping that whatever x-rays they were sure to take wouldn't reveal anything too grave.  The vet lovingly took Major in her arms and examined the afflicted paw.  After a few minutes, she gave me her diagnosis.  Major had...




...a bruised toenail.


Here he is--Mr. I can only sleep on pillows and comforters.  You high maintenance dog, you.
He's fine now, by the way.  Anti-inflammatories and some rest on my bed did the trick.