Friday, February 22, 2013

Library Troublemakers

There are two nice libraries close to our house--one sweet little local branch and then the large regional one that I used to go to as a child.  For a rainy/snowy/cold day, they can't be beat.  Free activities that are magical to the girls because look!  Books we don't have!  And little kid-sized chairs!  AND STOOLS!!!!!!!!!

Before we started becoming library regulars, I had visions of curling up on a tufted chair with both girls in my lap and reading short stories to them.  That dream has been mostly dashed.  Why?
  • If there is another mommy or a babysitter reading to their child or children, someone's kids always seem to join the party.
  • One of these kids will not stay away from climbing the dirty step stools--she cannot be deterred.
  • The other one thinks the library barcodes are stickers that need to be removed.  Her mother actually got a phone call from the librarian a couple of weeks ago asking her to keep a better watch on this.  Tsk tsk!
May I present to you...

The Climber 

The Barcode Thief

Local libraries--be on the lookout for these two troublemakers.

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