Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One Year Ago

Rhett recently pulled a bunch of videos off of our old computer to save them to our new one.  It only took about ten months to check that task off the list--go us!

Anyway, it gave us the opportunity to watch the girls in younger phases of life.  I'll share more in future posts, but for now I will show the girls in videos taken a year ago.

Here is Charlotte's first smile that I caught on camera.  She is still the same sweet angel today, just with more hugs, cuddles, and grunts.

And here is Cate singing "Oh the Lord" which is a little blessing she learned at her old preschool.

The craziest thing is that I thought Cate looked SO OLD when she was two and a half--nothing like a new baby to make your toddler look like a teenager, right?

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