Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Pumpkins

Yesterday I took advantage of the high-60 degree, sunny fall weather and headed off with the girls to the pumpkin patch.  We drove our car past the mega-huge and popular Cox Farms and went to a smaller one, Ticonderoga, that ended up being perfection.  Ticonderoga was so good, in fact, I'm sort of considering going back immediately.  It was awesome!

We started things off the way every kid wants to...I made the girls sit and take pictures.  It took a couple clicks to get a good one and then we were off.

After that, the girls and I hit the slides.  We all went together and I think the person that had the best time on them was me!  And that is saying something because every time we got to the bottom Charlotte would hop up and scream "Again, again, again, gain, gain!"

Slides=Fun for everyone!
We then did some playground-type stuff, jumped on a trampoline, visited the animals, crossed the foot bridge, and trekked to the actual pumpkin patch.

After selecting the perfect dirtiest pumpkins, we hopped on the hayride.

I let the girls play tetherball (??????) until it was time to head home for lunch.  Still not sure why tetherball is at the pumpkin patch but Ticonderoga can do no wrong, so it's all good.

Cate playing "ring around the rosy."
Charlotte with her soccer gameface on.  I'm calling it now--future star right here!
Can't wait for Ticonderoga next year tomorrow!

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