Friday, May 17, 2013

Word Explosion

Did you know children from the same family can be drastically different?  Well, breaking news: it's true.  Cate was a talker since I can't even remember when.  I can picture Rhett with a legal pad, upstairs in our little starter house, writing down all the words she knew at 17 months--it was well over 300.  Cate just loved (and continues to love) to talk.

I kept waiting for Charlotte to get chatty.  She would say a couple of words, but was generally quiet.  I knew she knew what I was saying in her head because she would point to things and respond to commands.  But ask her to say a word?  Silence.  

And you know what?  I realized it was kind of nice having less chatter.  In fact, it was a blessing.  You see, things can get loud around here and sometimes, the less talk, the better.  We loved that Cate could talk a lot, but just as much, we loved that Charlotte was a little more reserved.

And then, as all kids do, Charlotte hit the "word explosion" stage recently and things have been a-rolling.  

"Hold me"

"Minnie" (the mouse)

"Kitty" (for Hello Kitty)

"Apple" (pronounced a-poo)

"Yeah" (pronounced yeeeee-uhhhh)

"Chips" (pronouced chee-uhps--yep, getting ready for Texas)

These are now things we hear all the time.  She also calls for her sister by name (so sweet) and loves to play peek-a-boo shouting "Hi!" and "Bye!"

Charlotte now says around 50 words and I swear, two weeks ago it was 4.

Studying up!
Never change, Charlotte Angel.  You are something special.

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