Tuesday, May 21, 2013

18 Months

Charlotte is 18 months!  Here are some shots of her eating snacks on the deck today.
Sweetest child in existence (ok, arguably).
Oranges--a favorite. 
Nom nom nom...
We followed up oranges with a trip to every kid's favorite--the doctor.  Poor girl!  She lucked out today though--no shots.  Charlotte's visit was pretty predictable, although they had to put her on a nebulizer because of some serious wheezing.  And now we've got to get a prescription inhaler :(

Anyway, enough of that, here are her stats:

26.2 pounds :: 77th percentile
33 inches tall :: 86th percentile
19.25 inches around her head :: 96th percentile

And here is a snapshot of Charlotte at 18 months:

Nicknames: Charlotte Angel, Angel Bug, Angel Baby, Tupelo Honey, Swiper, Little Bulldozer

Likes: Minnie Mouse, Hello Kitty, her princess cup, chugging milk in her princess cup, water cups--a water game we play outside, this pink glittery sequined skirt from our dress up bin, Minnie Mouse socks, Minnie Mouse flip flops (noticing a pattern?), dancing--she drops it like it's hot--seriously, anything Cate likes

Dislikes: Major, sitting in shopping carts, when we have to drop off Cate at school, getting her nails clipped, her sneakers--how dare I make her wear them at the playground??!?

Favorite Food: Chips

Favorite Drink: Milk

Fun Facts: Charlotte is a happy, sweet girl and she loves her family.  She says new words every day (yesterday it was "nut").  Charlotte wants to do whatever Cate is doing and hold whatever she can grab of Cate's--that is why we call her Swiper.  In the mornings, when we're all getting dressed, Rhett and I can hear the girls in Cate's room playing.  Most days we hear a shriek (Cate) followed immediately by Charlotte, who is beaming ear to ear, hightailing to her own room with one of Cate's treasures hugged tight to her chest.  We totally let it happen just for the comedy of it all.  Sorry Cate!