Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March Snow

I told Cate back in January to hold tight for March because it would start to get a little warmer by then.  Ha--we finally made it and wouldn't you know, we're staring at tons of white stuff today.  Here's what we've done to stay busy today...

The day started out bright and early.  We were definitely up before the roosters.  Cate and Charlotte were promptly parked in our bed with Cheerios, milk, and that trusty babysitter, TV, so Rhett and I could keep our eyes closed long enough to find 7am on the clock.

Hmmm, this getting up early thing is smart!  We should do this more often.
By 9am, Cate and I left Rhett upstairs working--his office was closed--and Charlotte napping long enough to take the dogs out for a snowstorm-style walk.  Cate was a trooper.

Soak it up kid, Texas doesn't have this.
What a little helper, right?
We came inside and dove into our toys, include the new tinker toys.  I think these toys are supposed to foster your "little engineer."  For us, they are fostering our little candy maker because Cate makes the pieces into lollipops and starts selling them to me out of her lollipop shop.  I can only buy one at a time, apparently, because I am told they have too much sugar.

Welcome to Cate's Lollipop Shop!
Charlotte is an awesome kid, did you know?  When we pull out toys, she just walks around playing with things quietly and contently.  Here she is showing me a turtle or, in Charlotte language, a "tuuuuuuuuuur."

Don't I look so much older, all of a sudden?   Ok well, Mom thinks so.
Because we were stuck inside, we headed downstairs for a change in scenery.  In the basement, we got into dress-up and taking care of our baby dolls.

I'm bracing myself for the rest of the day--both girls are resisting naps as I type this.  Fingers crossed for sleep-filled and toasty rest of the day.  And March?  We are not friends right now.

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