Saturday, March 8, 2014

Kicking off 2014

…so anyway, where was I?  It feels like the last few months have both creeped along and whizzed by.  All in all, life has been pretty darn good.  Here is how we've kicked off 2014:

One word: SNOW.  It's as if the weather gods realized we are moving to Texas next year and conspired with my children to dump mounds of snow over and over again on Northern Virginia.  I do feel blessed that the girls have gotten so much time in the snow, but I also wouldn't hate it if the temperature here never dropped below 60 for the next, oh, 16 months.

Because of the snow, we've had an abundance of inside time.

So much dress up...
Lots of mornings making pancakes into crazy shapes; this one is a dolphin.  Do you see what I did with the syrup?  The girls think I am a culinary genius.
Tons of mornings acting silly...
…trying out new hairstyles; Cate is our Creative Director in that department...
…making pillow forts...
…plus tons of drawing.  On a daily basis, I am requested required to create multiple princess "templates" that the girls can color.  I am no artist and, therefore, this=a problem.
However, Cate has gotten quite good.  Here is her very own Disney princess--Tiana from The Princess and the Frog.  She did the whole thing by herself and, in my completely unbiased opinion, I thought this drawing was pretty daggone awesome.
We've also been doing daily sessions with Cate's new Magna-Tiles.  She got a set for Christmas and we all completely heart them.  They are different shaped tiles that you can use to build anything--towers, castles, train stations, princess houses, you name it.  

We've never had a toy that everyone loves to play with so much all the time.  They're crazy expensive, but I'd rather have a very nice, sturdy toy that everyone can play with together than five or six plastic toys that get old after a week.  

Not pictured are the HOURS we've spent playing Uno.  Cate is an Uno master and her favorite thing to do these days is beat her mom and dad at the game which she can (and does!) do all the time.  We probably play fifty games over the course of a weekend.  We all love it--except when Cate calls us on having "Uno"--which she does to me regularly.

As a big treat, our family went to Disney on Ice.  Our tickets worth every last penny--the girls loved it so, so much.  In the opening, Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy skate out to welcome the crowd.  Charlotte smiled so hard when she saw Minnie, I immediately burst into tears.  Her cheeks were the roundest they've ever been and she was sooooooo sweet watching the show.  Cate was more reserved because she was studying everything so intently, and she couldn't have had a better time.  And I was just happy that I got to eat a gigantic soft pretzel.  Wins all around!

I also volunteered at a local children's consignment sale last week.  I do this every six months and it is such a highlight for me.  One day, I hope to run my own sale in Texas.  This was the first sale where I wasn't there to shop as well--although I did snag a couple of dresses for Cate.  The one below was her favorite--a tulle flamingo dress--because who can pass something like that up?

And now, I finally feel like I can take a deep breath with spring on the horizon.  Today we visited Frying Pan Park to see some farm animals and a horse show.  The sheep freaked the girls out, but Cate was thrilled to see baby pigs because we just finished up Charlotte's Web.  We had fun deciding which pig was Wilbur.

More to come soon!

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