Thursday, November 7, 2013

Top Ten Things I've Learned Over the Past Year

November 5th marked exactly one year since we moved.  One year since the whirlwind of quitting my job, packing up our "forever house" and heading up to Northern VA.  One year being a stay at home mama with my babies.

For me, it's been awesome and I am so grateful for the past twelve months.  I know that many women don't have the opportunity to be home full time and it really is such a gift.

Here are the Top Ten Things I've Learned Over the Past Year:

10. Big house, small house, or something in between--it really doesn't matter.  Home is home because of who is in it.

9. But extra closet space is always nice.

8. In real estate, location really is king.  I don't love our townhouse, but the location is amazing and it makes a huge difference.  Rhett's commute is relatively short and we can get anywhere we need to go with ease.  I'd rather live in a shoebox near to where I need to be than a huge house that is out of the way.

7. No matter if you're a mom that works full-time, part-time, or stays home--you will always question if you're doing it right.  Nothing is perfect and everyone has bad days.  Just do the best you can.

6. Across the board, Maryland drivers are THE WORST--it's almost unbelievable.

5. Every parent thinks their school is the best--and you know what?  They're right.  If they love it, it is best--for them.

4. Living for the next "thing" is such a waste.  Life is tenuous and you never know what's around the bend.

3. Pray with your children.  It teaches them to be grateful.  Even if most days they are only thankful for Snow White, Cinderella, and Rapunzel, at least they are thinking about being thankful.

2. Take a shower, dress in "real" clothes, and put on some makeup every day.  It makes you more productive and you feel better about yourself.

1. Love the one you're with.

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