Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Just Like That

And, just like that, summer is over for us.  I told Cate goodbye this morning at preschool and with it, we said goodbye to summer.  Here is what we did to make the most of our last couple of weeks:

Our family did what every family likes to do--get in the car for hours with their young kids ;)  It was for a good cause--we visited Rhett's parents, siblings, and their kids.  We celebrated Poppa's 62nd (or was it 26th?) birthday and hung out with our favorite little people.
Cousin love--thanks for not flipping the bird, Finley!  (Sorry Deca,  I had to say it ;)
Poppa is a sucker for a card with a play on words! 
Cate offered to help with the cake.
Cute Finley.
Tossing the ball off the deck--a Kier tradition from the days of Sundance.
Poppa and his (little) girls.
Cate also wanted to prep for going back to school.  Prep=new outfits, new shoes, and a haircut.  Ah, a girl after my own heart.
Cate's first day outfit from the fanciest store we shop at--Tar-jay!  Charlotte also used her keen negotiation skills to get a new shirt.  Whatever did she pick, you may ask.  Real shocker here--a glittery Minnie Mouse ensemble.
Pink+glitter+rhinestones+light-up=a four-year-old's dream shoe.
Freshly cut hair, and a fancy lollipop to boot!
Don't worry, Charlotte got the goods too.
It happened earlier than I though, but we instituted movie night on Sunday nights at the end of summer.  Our movies so far have been cute and the girls have been so cute watching them.  Charlotte especially loves movie night--so far, it's pretty much the highlight of her life.
Ready to get this (pizza) party started.
Loving it.
We took movie night on the road when we visited Rhett's family.  This was a particularly suspenseful part of  the movie we picked--Friday the 13th.  Kidding, kidding!  We watched Alladin
This is movie night--in a nutshell.
And today, it was all over.  Bring on the fall!

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