Monday, September 16, 2013

Etsy Shop Recommendation--Genesis Artworks

Cate and Charlotte have never been into bows and, frankly, I have never really loved them either.  We have received a few as gifts, but the girls always seem to pull them out and then I get busy trying to not lose which I generally fail.  Plus, I think they can look too cutesy which is not really what I'm going for.

Except all that changed about a week ago.  I was looking a one of my friend's daughters pictures--she was at ballet class with the most darling white bow holding up half her hair.  I was instantly smitten.  Plus, Charlotte's hair is too short for most styles but a bow in an alligator clip is perfect.  And if Charlotte is wearing something, you can be sure Cate wants one too :+)

First I wanted to make them, but I quickly realized it is almost more expensive to make your own than buy a set.  Plus, mine would never look professional.  After looking a bit on Etsy, I found Genesis Artworks and thought I'd give them a whirl.  They offer alligator clips with a no slip grip and ribbon in tons of colors.  And the bows are only a couple dollars each if you buy a set.  So I did.
Just standing by the front steps holding a stuffed snake--you know, the usual.
We love these bows.  The girls have worn them daily since our box arrived and I die over the way they look!  I don't know the shop owner, but I love him/her.

Plus, I bought a Carolina blue one for Tarheel games and a red one for Xmas for both girls--yippee!  I am so excited!

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