Thursday, April 21, 2016

Catching Up

It seems like most of my friends who have blogs have seriously backed off on posting often, and obviously I am with the crowd on this one.  But, I still like posting pictures of life lately, so here are some snaps:

We sort of slid right into the new year after a busy holiday season and all of a sudden it was 2016.  Cate made a project at school where one of her goals for the year is to do 100 laps around our neighborhood circle.  Oh, but each lap counts as 10.  Nice job, Cate, you are always thinking!

Cate also had her first sleepover in January.  My little one with a 7pm bedtime stayed up the latest of anyone.  It was...wait for it...ONE O'CLOCK AM when she finally went to bed.  And she was up before 7am.  OH OF COURSE SHE WAS.  She kept it together until noon and then took a two hour nap.  She looked like an angel when she woke up.

You will believe me when I say that shot looks drastically different from the Cate that I had earlier in the day.

There was a daddy/daughter dance back in February at church.  Cate was sooooo proud to be able to take her dad.  On a side note, how does her hair look almost Pinterest-worthy when it air dries?  Yet, I spend time blowdrying, teasing, spraying, and styling (only every 3 days BUT STILL) and mine always ends up lame and flat?  #notfair

Here is a random shot of Major just because he is never mentioned.  Maj is nine years old now and has one objective in life--to ensure he is as comfortable as possible.  Man's best friend, I tell you.

This was the first warm day of the year.  80 degrees in February?  Yes please.

Aunt Liz came to visit us on her way to run the Austin Marathon.  We were lucky to see her!  She was especially helpful preparing Cate for her quiz on the Presidents.  And here are the results...

Cate lost her first tooth in March and it felt very momentous.  It was loose for a LONG time, but when it finally came out, it took me by surprise.  I mean, it didn't even come in THAT long ago.  Her giddiness made me happy though.  Here she is with her tooth.  By the way, what do you do with baby teeth?  It feels weird to keep them, but heartless to throw them out--especially the first one.

School was busy that month too.  Cate had a first grade performance and Go Texan Day...

I swear, Cate is not my only child--she has just been busy this year.  Emery is a full on force of nature.  He has made leaps and bounds (almost literally) in the past few months.  He loves to bike around the neighborhood...

He also loves food!  I didn't know what it was like to have a baby that would down meat like it's candy.  Bacon, turkey, steak, bison burgers--he scarfs it all.  He doesn't totally love veggies, but I put a bunch of spinach in a smoothie for him every day and he happily drinks it all up!  Shhhh--don't tell!

Peek-a-boo is his absolutely favorite thing to do...

I will post next time about Charlotte and March Madness...more to come!

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