Saturday, September 19, 2015

Looking Back

I was looking back through pictures from the spring in Virginia, and I couldn't help but think, "Uhhh, that was THIS year?"  So many things have happened since April, anything before that almost seems in the distant past.  I am talking 2015 photos looked like they were circa 2012.  Totally bizarre!

This could not have happened in 2015.
I was pregnant a few months ago? #waitwhat #notpossible
Texas prep was underway THIS past spring??!?  Feels like it's been forever.
Part of it is that it's like Emery has always been with our family.  This ridiculously cheesy, but he is the perfect little puzzle piece to our crew.  We were at Chick Fil A last weekend, as a family of five, and Cate looked around at our table.  She then announced very honestly "This family is perfect, I love everyone here and love when we're all together!"  So glad she approves of us! ;)  And then she announced we aren't having any more babies. Haha!

Emery really is the greatest thing to happen to our family and a great baby.  He came at the most perfect time, and I love that the girls can enjoy him.  They light up whenever they see him.  And he lights up right back.  The other day he was smiling at Charlotte and she said "Oh my, Emery!  You are just too cute, I can't take it!"  And then she covered her eyes to really prove her point.  So sweet.

It took me a long time to feel like I was sort of in a groove, but I'm getting there.  I mean, I'm still generally a hot mess, but I can usually pull things together when I need to.  I will say I finally reached the point in life where I had to think **really hard** about when my last shower was.  Eww!  Dry shampoo is my best friend.  #noseriously

Emery is finally able to put himself to sleep pretty reliably, and generally goes down for the night when the girls do.  At three and a half months, he weighs more than 15 pounds, is learning to reach and grasp things in a fluid motion, sees us across the room, is able to roll, and talks/laughs/kicks up a storm when he sees Rhett or the girls.

Cate's mission in life is to hold Emery as much as possible.
Three months and gaining serious leg rolls.
Thank you, God, for this most precious gift, and all the gifts in my life.  I read recently something that said "If your children are healthy and you have a roof over your heard, you are living the dream."  How true that is.  I'm looking back on all that we've been given this year and I am so very grateful.

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