Thursday, December 11, 2014

What We're Loving Lately

Hi there!  Long time, no post.  I figured it is time for a "what we're loving lately" write-up:

1. Me Reader
For her birthday, Rhett and I got Charlotte the Disney Princess Me Reader, an electronic reader (like a tablet) that reads any one of eight books to her.  We also got a Disney Jr. set from friends.  There is a symbol on each page of the books and when you press the correct character and symbol on the tablet, the reader tells you what it says on the page.  Both girls LOVE the books and, oddly, the voice on the Me Reader.  I love the fact that I can eat a bowl of Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Stars while someone else reads to them.  It's outsourced parenting at its finest!

2. Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Stars
I'm going to be honest and say I hide these from my children because they are too good to share.

3. Back to Basics for Skin Care
I was at the dermatologist a couple of weeks ago and, at the end of my appointment, received some recommendations on skin care.  Are they recommending the latest $100 eye cream and $150 moisturizer from some insanely expensive brand?  Nope!  My dermatologist's practice recommends Cetaphil cleanser and cream moisturizer.  A friend of mine who goes to the same practice also said they like Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair.  I was shocked!  I've bought a $50 eye cream or two but I won't again.  For now I'm sticking with Cetaphil and Vaseline!  The Cetaphil cream moisturizer has been especially awesome as a body lotion.  Apparently the cream is a better and longer lasting moisturizer--who knew?

4. Cooking with Kids
A sweet friend gave Charlotte a princess-themed cookbook for her birthday and it has been so fun to use with the girls!  The recipes are actually good and...drumroll please...they are trying new things!  We're going to bring it to Salem for Christmas so we can make a couple of treats for Rhett's family.

5. Cate's Stocking
After eight months of stitching, and two months of my mom prepping and sewing, I finally completed Cate's needlepoint stocking.  Ta da!

You can't tell in the picture, and allow me to geek out over needlepoint for a sec (who am I??????), but I got to use some really cool threads and stitches on this.  Oh my gosh, did I really just say that?  The point is, this is the first needlepoint project I am really proud of.  Charlotte and I already have our eye on her stocking canvas.  We just have to wait for the after-Christmas sale.  It's a Noah's Ark design with a purple whale (favorite color), a zebra, and an alligator (favorite animals).  We love it!

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