Sunday, October 19, 2014

Filling Our Time

And just like that, it's mid-October and it feels like the year is drawing to an end.  In many ways, I will be happy to close the books on 2014, but we've had tons of fun too, and this fall has been just great!

The girls LOVE school.  Love is actually an understatement.  Cate told me that she wants to live at school, as in, be in kindergarten all the time, every second of every day.  Charlotte cries on Thursdays and Fridays when she doesn't have preschool.  So, I guess my job here is done??!?  While it's a little sad they're so attached to school, it's also totally wonderful.  I'm so happy that they are happy.

We've done all the fall "things" like going apple picking and visiting the pumpkin patch.  The girls have been invited to a bunch of parties, one of which had a special guest appearance by none other than Queen Elsa from Frozen.  I'm not exaggerating when I say it was one of the top three greatest moments of Charlotte's life, just behind 1) Being Born and 2) Seeing Minnie Mouse at Disney on Ice and smiling so brightly that I immediately burst into tears.

This is so random, but I've also tried a bunch of really good recipes lately that were so delicious I feel like I need to tell the world about them.  Go make these NOW:

Southwest Salad with Cilantro Lime Dressing
Homemade Cheez Its
Kale and White Bean Soup (use canned beans--the dried ones make me gag)
Banana and Chocolate Chip Muffins (skip the walnuts, cinnamon chips, and butter rum/coconut flavoring)

My other project has been making Halloween costumes.  Cate decided on being a Monarch butterfly (??!?) but she wanted to be one that was pink.  Charlotte jumped on that bandwagon faster than you can say "wings" so I've been working on some custom costumes at home.  I still have to make some tutu skirts but the wings are done.  Here is a preview:

I hope everyone has been having a fun fall!  We've been trying our best to stay busy :)


  1. Our girls are in sync because they both chose to be butterflies too! I have been making tutus and wings as well! :) Happy Crafting!

    1. How funny! Can't wait to see how your costumes turn out!
