Sunday, August 25, 2013

So Funny...So True

I love this article on how much you change your perspective on parenting--what you are and aren't willing to do--once you actually have kids.  It totally made me giggle.
My perspective may have changed a liiiiiiittle bit since having these two.
I can vividly remember telling Rhett when we bought our old Honda Pilot that I specifically did not want a car with a DVD player in it (Cate was all of four months old at that point).  What lazy parents would rely on movies for car trips??!?  My sister and I never watched movies on our trips up and down the east coast and we were just fine.  

My view changed all of thirty minutes into our first trek to the beach when Cate was about one year.  I could not get my hands on a DVD player fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. This article is HILARIOUS. I totally needed that today!
