Wednesday, April 8, 2015


It has been so long since I've had any updates, I know!  A few weeks ago I started an insanely long blog post detailing all of my medical history over the past eight or so months but I immediately trashed it because what is more boring than someone else's medical issues?  Hahaha, not much I say!

The wonderful, awesome, terrifying, happy, scary, thrilling news is that we are expecting #3 in June.  The other wonderful, awesome, terrifying, happy, scary, thrilling news is that we are moving to Texas in less than two weeks--a few months before we expected to go.  We've closed on our house and we're already underway with a few updates.  Huzzah!

The girls are psyched because we have a pool--they don't yet realize that most people have one--so they think we are livin' large in Texas :)

I'll try to post more updates after we move and as we get closer to June.  There is so much to look forward to and be grateful for.